Veteran Small Businesses

Hi Everyone! After a fantastic “Father’s Day” weekend, I wanted to address something near and dear to me and that is Veterans. More specifically….. Veteran business owners or “Vetrepreneurs“. More and more veterans are starting their own businesses these days. What a fantastic thing! Not everyone has a great business mind, but a veteran knows how to accomplish the mission, no matter what it takes. They know how to analyze the situation, make a plan and execute the plan. Even though not all businesses are successful, they have a better chance with a Vet at the helm.

For you Vets out there that are thinking about starting your own business, what are you waiting for? There is so much assistance for you such as the Veteran’s Administration and the Small Business Association (SBA) just to name a couple and they will refer you to other sources if you need them. You can learn how to write a business plan and everything in between. This is definitely an “information era”! Everything is out there for you to soak up. Not only that, there are thousands of Veteran Owners that want to help you succeed. Once a Vet Brother or Sister, always a Vet Brother or Sister! You know the drill.

I want to leave a few websites here for you to review if you are thinking about taking that next step or to just have the information for another time.

I started my company in 2008 and never looked back. You can do it as well! Please let us know what your’e thinking and how you are progressing. I for one would love to know!


Veterans and the SBA

Veterans and the VA

Helping Veterans Start Businesses

Boots to Business

NASA Small Business

CVE Certification


22 Jun 2015

Thought on Father’s Day

Well, it’s almost time for Father’s Day! This is the time of the year to stop what you are doing and tell / show your Father how much they mean to you. I was lucky enough to have a great Dad growing up! Even though I only lived with him the first 18 years of my life (then joined the Army), I learned so much from him. He is no longer with us today, but from time-to-time, I look up and think about him and what he would do in some particular situation. Damn, I do miss him!

So I would say this to everyone that has a Dad that is still with them… Talk to them every chance you get! Tell them how much they mean to you and how proud you are to be their son or daughter. You never know when you can’t anymore.

All the Best to all the Dads!

Happy Father's Day!

17 Jun 2015

Relaxing Weekend?

Ok Guys! It’s Monday, so what do we talk about? Our weekend of course. Let me tell you, the best weekends for me is not being expected to do anything, but doing something. I am pretty simple, so having coffee in the morning with my beautiful Bride starts off every weekend perfectly. I go and cut the grass, I take my daughter to a birthday party and just hang out. No stress, just going with the flow. Perfect!

I’d like for you to share your most relaxing weekend with me. Are you on the go all the time, or do you stop and smell the roses sometimes? I’d like to know and I’m sure everyone else would as well.

Until next time…..


15 Jun 2015

Quote of the Day: “When I was 18 years old, my Dad was the dumbest man alive. When I turned 21, you would be surprised what my Dad had learned!”

This will be the first of some of the quotes and sayings that I was brought up with. If you don’t understand one of these, just let me know and I’ll try to explain it.

Have a great Friday everyone!


12 Jun 2015

25 Insanely Breathtaking Places to Visit Before You Die

From an underwater waterfall in Mauritius Island to the isolated highlands in Iceland, these destinations will blow your mind

Source: 25 Insanely Breathtaking Places to Visit Before You Die


I have always believed that if you get a chance to see something new, DO IT!

Life is too short!  SARGE

11 Jun 2015

A Little History….. On Me.

Cotton Field

Welcome to Part One!

I had said that in a previous post that I would start talking about where I come from so all would know where my kind of thinking started. Because, you know that everyone was raised in a different setting which weighs alot on our thoughts and perceptions. Here we go…

Back in the day, of which you will hear alot of, I was born and raised by a hard-working Dad and a loving Mom. We lived in the country in the state of Mississippi. Now, many people have opinions about Mississippi and they may all be true, but that’s where I’m from. It definitely wasn’t an easy life, but is was a great one! The things that I used to complain about as a kid, I would love to have that life again today.

My parents had their share of problems back then, but they never involved me or my sisters in their problems. They let us be…. Kids! It sure doesn’t seem that way today. I am the oldest and the only boy. I have three awesome sisters with their own families now, but that’s another story! I can tell you this, we were very blessed to have our parents. I don’t know what we’d have ever done without them.

As I recall, we were always doing something and it wasn’t in the house. We were shoo’d out the door every day and we were more than ok with it. We wouldn’t come back in until it was dark. What a long day, but we always had fun!

There is so much more to cover and I will in follow-on posts as I have endless stories about those days. So, hang tough!

Thank you for visiting and by the way, if you didn’t know what the picture was up top…. it’s a cotton field! I loved those fields!



10 Jun 2015

In the Beginning…

Is this just the beginning, the end or a transition to something greater than we have ever known? I have been watching and wondering where we will be as a society in the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years. It’s a really scary, but exciting time in our country. You want to tag along and see what we all can figure out together? I will definitely give you my “World according to Sarge” point of view on everything. You may agree with some and loath me on other issues. You may think it’s really complicated, but it will be in my simplest form. Over the next few to many posts, I will share a little of my background and the way I was raised to see the world. I would invite all to share your backgrounds with me as well. Have fun and enjoy!



A symbol of our Great Country!

A symbol of our Great Country!

09 Jun 2015